A good online presence has become as important as customer referrals for most businesses. People look at your website and social networks, even with a great referral.
Design by Miss Mac can help you start from ground zero by helping you register your domain name, setup email, branding and design of your online presence. If you already have an online presence, we can help you re-design, re-brand, and/or add social networks to your online presence, or just help with updates or maintenance. We can help or just take on the project so general direction is all you need to provide. We do our best to make sure that both what you need and want are met.
Starting with your Domain > Hosting > Website Design > Management & Maintenance > Email > Marketing & SEO > Office Workflow : We can provide a piece of the project or a turnkey solution.
Active Websites
General maintenance is as important as branding.
That is what keeps your website online.
General maintenance is important. It keeps the website clean, free from malware and keeps the site online. After all, the best part of a website, is its available to provide information 7 day a week, 24 hours a day.
Design by Miss Mac can take care of your maintenance or train your staff to take care of it. Have something you don’t know how to deal with?