Workflow is how you do – what you do.
We look at things that can simplify the tasks you are doing. Do you have more than one person that needs to schedule? Do you need someone to have all the same data you do? Are you entering data more than once? Are you entering data that your customer is already entering? Are you having trouble finding history for a client? Do you spend more than 5 minutes looking up an individual piece of information? We work with you on making all of these things simple by using technology to your advantage. We also look at your time management and office organization and integrate them into your technology too.
The Technology Advantage.
Today’s technology allows you to streamline many things that you wouldn’t think about. Keeping your calendar on your computer, phone and/or tablet as well as online can help streamline the way you work and give you access no matter where you are. Accessing your data both inside and outside the office can also be done with ease. We can help you provide the correct security so working outside of the office is a breeze. There are many options so you can work from your tablet when you travel instead of having to carry your computer. We can provide ideas to streamline how you do – what you do with the help of technology.
Time Management.
Time management is not all just tracking your calendar. It’s scheduling all of the things you do during the day and being realistic. It’s also getting organized so you don’t spend exorbitant amounts of time looking for data, information, parts, or history so you can stay on top of things. Being able to work the way you need to, i.e. in the office, out of the office, at the baseball game, etc. Let us provide technology solutions that boost your time management and productivity.
Office Organization.
Getting an extra bookcase can often help organize an office, but organizing your digital data and records is just as important as organizing your hard copies. We can help you do both.

Calendars & Contact Information.
Many times just getting your calendar and address-book to sync where it’s needed can make things smoother. We can help you sync your calendar and/or address book between devices, people or both to streamline your personal and/or work informaiton.
File Sharing.
If you have more than one person in your business, it’s a good bet that just setting up a simple file or cloud drive to share the information you need will increase efficiency. This gives you the flexibility of working in and out of the office and allow coordination with multiple team members.
Daily Work.
Are you entering the same data more than once? Are you entering data the customer has already entered? We can help you find ways so you quit doing the same thing more than once, but getting the information in reports, invoices, email, and many other ways needed quickly and efficently.
Have you spent hours working on a report that should take less time? Is it because your data isn’t in the right place or do you just need a little extra training on the software package you are using? Do you need someone to walk you through something you haven’t done recently? Do you need templates to make things easier and less time consuming? May just need someone you can call when you have a question. We can help with all of these items.
Backup is one of the most important things. If you don’t do anything else, find a way to keep your data safe. That means at least three copies of your data. One you work from (for an Apple that’s usually TimeMachine), a additional copy of the backup onsite and a copy of the backup offsite or in the cloud. There are many options for every budget.
Design, setup, testing, troubleshooting and hardware replacement
$125 p/h
Software & hardware, workflow design, integration, and training
$125 p/h
Design, install, updates, manage, and maintenance
Design, update, connecting webiste, hosting & maintenance
$125 p/h
Special projects: dvd, video, email, print & others
$125 p/h