Custom Apps, Database Design & Maintenance
Custom Apps & Databases, if kept up to date, become living breathing documents and repositories of business and client data. Add-on services can be implemented and changed as your business grows and technology changes allowing you to keep all the information you need at your finger tips.
Let us help you streamline your workflow, manage your customers and assets. Move from desktop to mobile, and/or build a better history for everything you do.
Tracking customers, as well as interaction with your customers and vendors is just one way a custom app or database can help you. Other options include day to day information such time reports, estimates, invoices, collections and assets with a simple query to give you what you need at the moment you need it.
One of the over looked features of a custom app and/or database is to allow you to streamline your workflow. You can link the database to your website, the customer fills the information in for you, saving you a complete step of the process. You can automate your database to take credit cards or link to another pieces of the database saving your staff the time it takes for the basic data entry and looking for information in a hard copy file.
You can turn your database into not just a link from your website, but give you the ability to access your data from inside or outside of the office, from your mobile devices where ever you are, share your information with multiple people or create an application that allows you to interact with your customers. The options are endless.
Design, update, connecting webiste, hosting & maintenance
$125 p/h
Design, install, updates, manage, and maintenance
$125 p/h
Software & hardware, workflow design, integration, and training
$125 p/h
Design, update, connecting webiste, hosting & maintenance
$125 p/h
Special projects: dvd, video, email, print & others
$125 p/h